
氏名 |
Gavin James CAMPBELL(ギャビン ジェームス キャンベル) 博士後期課程教授 研究者データベース(オリジナルサイト) |
研究室 |
志高館280 E-mail: gcampbel@mail.doshisha.ac.jp |
研究指導課程 | 博士前期課程・博士後期課程 |
I am an historian of the US, with a particular interest in the nineteenth century. During the first part of my career I wrote about Southern identity and culture, primarily using music to understand how Southerners thought of themselves and their society. I have examined many forms of music in the South, from rock and roll and classical music, to folk and sacred song.
The American South still fascinates me, but I have also begun writing and teaching US transnational history, with a particular interest in the US-Pacific encounter. Currently I am writing a cultural biography of Niijima Jo, tentatively titled A Heart in Two Places: The Adventures of a Transpacific Samurai. I use Niijima to explore how the US and Japan made sense of each other in the earliest years of their acquaintance.
I am especially eager to work with students interested in US history, transnational encounters, the Pacific World, contemporary American politics and society, Southern studies, religion, and global Christianity.

Jan Bardsley and Laura Miller (eds), Manners and Mischief: Gender, Power, and Etiquette in Japan, University of California Press, April 2011.
Chapter 4 "Mortification, Mockery, and Dissembling: Western Adventures in Japanese Etiquette" (pp80-94)
国際協力・国際開発 移民・難民・多文化共生論 ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ研究 ポストコロニアル研究 カルチュラル・スタディーズ 過去から考える 映像と音から考える 経済から考える アクティビズムから考える 歩きながら考える 南北アメリカ アジア 中東 アフリカ ヨーロッパ 一覧から探す |