
氏名 |
菅野 優香(カンノ ユウカ) 博士後期課程教授 研究者データベース(オリジナルサイト) 業績一覧 |
研究室 |
志高館273 E-mail: ykanno@mail.doshisha.ac.jp |
The emergence of queer theory and criticism can be described as critical reconfiguration of feminism and lesbian/gay studies. As an interdisciplinary field, queer studies has developed, traversing diverse disciplines such as philosophy, critical theory, literary studies, film and media studies, and sociology. Inspired by queer theory and criticism, I have been working on the intersection of sexuality, gender, and race within the framework of visual culture studies, which tries to find common ground in art history and film/media studies, while attempting to bridge the gap between theory and practice. In that sense, visual culture studies challenges the disciplinary divide by analyzing creatively and dynamically different types of visual texts as well as representational practices. Film, video art, and photography are cultural texts whose contents and meanings are realized and decided only when viewed and read by the spectator. Queer studies and visual culture studies push us to think critically against the grain, while radically questioning what it means to “show,” “look,” and “be looked at,” as well as “read” and “imagine.”
国際協力・国際開発 移民・難民・多文化共生論 ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ研究 ポストコロニアル研究 カルチュラル・スタディーズ 過去から考える 映像と音から考える 経済から考える アクティビズムから考える 歩きながら考える 南北アメリカ アジア 中東 アフリカ ヨーロッパ 一覧から探す |