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Admission Schedule


Admission Schedule for International Students

The University may determine that it is difficult to conduct the entrance examination due to a contingency such as natural disasters and other serious accidents. In that case, alternative measures may be taken such as postponing it or the examinations may be conducted online. In such cases, details will be announced on the official website of Graduate School of Global Studies.

[ Spring (April) 2025 Entry ] Residence: Japan

Master’s program / Doctoral program [Fall Examination]
Application Period July 8 (Mon) – July 29 (Mon), 2024
Application must be received by the university on or before the deadline.
Examination Date September 8 (Sun), 2024
Notification of Result September 20 (Fri), 2024
Master’s program / Doctoral program [Spring Examination]
Application Period December 23 (Mon) , 2024 – January 8 (Wed), 2025
Application must be received by the university on or before the deadline.
Examination Date February 9 (Sun), 2025
Notification of Result February 21 (Fri), 2025

[ Spring (April) 2025 Entry ] Residence: Abroad

Master’s program / Doctoral program [Fall Examination]
Application Period July 8 (Mon) – July 29 (Mon), 2024
Application must be received by the university on or before the deadline.
Examination Date Admission will be decided on all application documents for both regular and special students.
Notification of Result September 20 (Fri), 2024

[ Fall (September) 2025 Entry ] Residence: Japan

Doctoral program [Spring Examination]
Application Period December 23 (Mon) , 2024 – January 8 (Wed), 2025
Application must be received by the university on or before the deadline.
Examination Date February 9 (Sun), 2025
Notification of Result February 21 (Fri), 2025

[ Fall (September) 2024 Entry ] Residence: Abroad

Doctoral program [Spring Examination]
Application Period December 23 (Mon) , 2024 – January 8 (Wed), 2025
Application must be received by the university on or before the deadline.
Examination Date Admission will be decided on all application documents for both regular and special students.
Notification of Result February 21 (Fri), 2025

For more information, see Prospective International Students .

EntInfo2024_E (89812)

Information Session

Spring information session

  Date Time Venue
1  June 11 (Tue), 2024 12:30 - 1:00 pm Shikokan 112, Karasuma (Imadegawa) Campus
Reservation required by June 7 (Fri) 5:00 pm
2 July 13 (Sat), 2024 2:00 - 4:00 pm Shikokan 112, Karasuma (Imadegawa) Campus
Reservation required by July 11 (Thu) 5:00 pm

The information session will be conducted in Japanese. Should you have any questions concerning your application to the Graduate School of Global Studies, please contact us. *For the first session, due to limited time, we will basically explain an overview of the admissions process, curriculum, and scholarships. Also, only some faculty members will attend. For the second session, all faculty members are scheduled to attend, but they may not be able to attend depending on circumstances.

Please Apply from the Application Form

Fall information session

  Date Time Venue
3 October 12 (Sat), 2024 2:00 - 4:00 pm Online
Reservation required by October 10 (Thu) 5:00 pm.
4 November 30 (Sat), 2024 2:00 - 4:00 pm Doshisha University Tokyo Branch Office
Reservation required by November 27 (Wed) 5:00 pm
5 December 14 (Sat), 2024 2:00 - 4:00 pm Shikokan 112 (tentative), Karasuma (Imadegawa) Campus
Reservation required by December 12 (Thu) 5:00 pm

The information session will be conducted in Japanese. Should you have any questions concerning your application to the Graduate School of Global Studies, please contact us.

Please Apply from the Application Form

Admissions Guide

FAQ on Admissions

Q: When is the Admissions Guide released?
The Admissions Guide for International Students is to be released in middle June every year.
Q: Where can I get the Admissions Guide and Application Forms?
Please access the page from the link.
The application forms are included in the Guide.
Q: How many times can I take the Entrance Examination?
You have two chances to take the entrance examination in a year: The Fall Examination (in September) and the Spring Examination (in February).
However, international students residing outside of Japan who are applying to the Master's Program may only take the Fall Examination (in September).
Q: Can I enroll in September?
For the Master's Program, we only accept applications for admission in April.
For the Doctoral Program, we also accept those for admission in September.
Please note that the only Entrance Examination for September Entry is the Spring Examination (in February).
Q: I am an international student living abroad. Can I take the Spring Examination (in February)?
For the Master's Program, international students residing outside of Japan may not apply for the Spring Examination.
For the Doctoral Program, only those who wish to enroll in September can take the Spring Examination (in February).
Q: Can I view past exam questions?
In our Entrance Examination, the selection is made based on a comprehensive consideration of the application documents and the result of oral examination. In the oral examinations, questions about your research plans will be asked , so past questions are not available to the public.
Q: How is the oral examination conducted?
In the oral examinations, questions about research plans will be asked in Japanese or English. Questions may also be asked about language proficiency in Chinese, Korean, or Japanese to applicants for Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster. Reference materials cannot be brought into the examination room.
Q: Do the certificates I submit as the application documents need to be original?
All application documents must be original. Photocopies or electronic data of documents/certificates cannot be accepted. (A notarized copy of an original document is not considered equivalent to the original.)
Q: I am an international student applying for “Chinese Studies” in the Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster. Should I submit my score report of the JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test)?
The JLPT score report will only be used as a reference for evaluation if applicant is applying for "Japanese Studies" in the Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster. If you are applying for "Chinese Studies," "Korean Studies," or "Asian and Southeast Asian Studies," or if you are applying for a cluster other than the Contemporary Asian Cluster, your JLPT score will not be considered for evaluation.
Q: Should I contact a professor whom I wish to work with prior to the application ?
We recommend that you consult with the professor whom you wish to work with prior to the application. (Applicants for the Master’s Program (Residence: Abroad or Student Status: Special) and Doctoral Program are strongly recommended.)
Please click here to access each professor’s page for contact information (e-mail address) for our faculty members.
Q: Can I complete the program by taking only classes offered in English?
Students enrolled in the clusters of American Studies and Global Society Studies can complete the degree by taking classes taught in English. Please be aware that courses in Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster Master’s Program are basically conducted in Japanese.
Q: Can I apply for both Student Status: Regular and Special?
Applicants may wish to have a chance to enroll as a Special Student in case that their application to a Regular Student position is not successful.
Q: Other inquiries
For information on requirements and application procedures for Entrance Examinations for International Students,
For inquiry, please contact :

Section for International Admissions, Office of International Students

TEL: +81-75-251-3257

For general information on the conduct of Entrance Examination and research and education in the Graduate School of Global Studies,
For inquiry, please contact :

Office of Graduate School of Global Studies

TEL: +81-75-251-3930

School Fees & Scholarships