Learning Environment

Doshisha University Library (Imadegawa Library)

The Imadegawa Library houses approximately 700,000 books, representing a collection that was started when Doshisha was founded, and the Learned Memorial Library has about 270,000 books, consisting primarily of basic educational materials. Students are also able to make use of nearly 1.6 million documents belonging to various faculty laboratories and research centers. The materials housed in the libraries are not limited to printed matter. Both the Imadegawa Library and the Learned Memorial Library have extensive multimedia libraries, enabling students to have access more than 6,000 videos, audio disks and tapes, and DVDs. Students can also view overseas TV news broadcasts and programs from the Open University of Japan. Students can access a wide range of electronic resources on the Doshisha University Library website, such as the online library catalog “DOORS,” e-journals, the Academic Repository, and databases. These resources can be used for online searches through dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspaper and magazine articles, court precedents, information about people, and the like. The personal computer corners are full of students using all available reference materials and resources to write papers or prepare presentations.
Library of the International Institute of American Studies

The library of the International Institute of American Studies is a treasury of research materials on American Studies, storing more than 90,000 imported books, more than 9,000 books in Japanese, about 650 microfilms and 200 microfiches on many disciplines ranging from economy, literature, history, politics, anthropology and sociology to cultural studies, gender studies, ethnic studies and law. In addition, the library also has a collection of rare materials on microfilm, such as diaries and letters written by American people in various times in history since the foundation era, and official records of both the Japanese and U.S. governments.
Library of the Graduate School of Global Studies

The Library of the Graduate School of Global Studies is located alongside the International Institute of American Studies. The library has a wealth of important books, journals and magazines ranging from economy to culture and literature from around the world.
Computer Room

In the basement of Shikokan, where the Graduate School of Global Studies is located, there is a large computer room that can be freely used. There are specialized staff that will assit with computer operation.
Students Room

These are the so-called ”Graduate student’s rooms”. Students are provided with an individual study carrel and bookshelf to work more efficiently.

The student lounge is located on the basement of the Shikokan building, which offers snacks and drinks. Students can get a quick bite between lessons.
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