Student's Voice

You YOU(Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster, Ph.D Program)
I was, and still am surprised that the Graduate School of Global Studies (GS) offers a consistent, international education that I find rare in Japanese universities. Students and teachers from all over the world are working together to create an international research environment. Compared to previous Australian universities, GS provides an excellent environment that fuses East Asian traditions represented by Japan and China with Western disciplines. There is also a great deal of freedom in terms of class format and curriculum. I feel that this is the best environment for studying social culture.
My current research theme is "Teresa Teng", along with the background of the interaction of popular culture between China and Japan from the 1980s. My seminar professor, Professor Ou QIAN has provided us with the optimal environment and materials for our research on this theme. The research environment at GS is extremely convenient. During my stay, my plan is to make full use of the resources here to dig deeper and complete my academic research.

西 直美さん(グローバル社会研究クラスター、博士後期課程)

Sara Hashem Abdellatifさん(Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster, Graduated MA Program in 2018)
I came to Kyoto and Doshisha and I loved the school buildings’ designs, the school’s unique location in the heart of the beautiful Kyoto and the easy access to almost everywhere. I liked the curriculum, the researchers’ room, school’s facilities, supporting staff, cool professors, different activities such as SEED’s activities and international students’ affairs facilities and activities, Career Adviser Center, students’ counselor support, Ramdan’s Iftar Party, Prayers’ room, Halal meals in the Cafeteria and much more. The good reputation and high ranking of Doshisha among Japanese universities, in general, make you feel proud to be part of Doshisha and proud to belong to such a recognized academic institution.
Of course, some troubles happened, but the staff was listening and genuinely tried to help in fixing those troubles. Generally speaking, the atmosphere was really supporting to get the best of your experience in Doshisha`s years in/outside school. That is available for all Doshisha students, and add to that in my case, I had an extremely supportive supervisor, kind seminar fellows, funny cool friends among other international and Japanese students, and very nice JICE coordinators inside school and in JICE office, who always made me feel I’m not lone and that I have a strong backup in Japan.
At last, after two years in the Graduate School of Global Studies with all the experiences I had, the good friends I met, the places I visited during these two years, the warm memories I made, I have zero regrets and I believe it was definitely an amazingly rich experience that I did enjoy and learned a lot from.
LI Kaihang(Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster, Graduated Ph.D program in 2018,)

そもそも、外国人留学生として異文化理解の困難を克服するのは大変なことですが、グローバル・スタディーズ研究科は異文化に対する尊重と寛容を理解しやすい雰囲気を提供してくれました。在学中の3年間、同志社で学問・生活の両面で非常に豊かな時間を過ごし、人生の良い思い出になります。この秋から、私も中国の大学教員となりました。 同志社の伝統と私自身の経験を学生さんたちと共有できれば幸いです。人生には様々なチャンスがありますが、私にとってはグローバル・スタディーズ研究科が最良の選択であったと思います。
TAI Ayano(American Studies Cluster,Graduated MA program in 2016, Human Resources and Welfare Department, KANDENKO co., ltd)
I have been interested in African American culture and discrimination issues since my undergraduate years. I have taken a wide range of courses in the graduate program that have expanded my interest to other issues and fields. I was particularly impressed by the methodology of representation that was introduced to in my courses of Gener and Japanese cinema. For the theme of my Master's thesis, I chose to examine representations of African Americans in interracial buddy films particularly revolving around race, gender and sexuality.
The most important thing that I learned in the Graduate School of Global Studies is to value and respect diversity. Especially the small group class environment encouraged me to actively express my opinion as well as made me aware of different values through hearing others' views. Such active commitment and tolerance is something that will surely help you when you get out into the world.
When I was about to seek employment I pondered whether to do what I like for a living or not, but after reflecting on what my ideal life plan is, I came to the conclusion that what I do for fun and what I do as a job do not necessarily need to be the same thing. In fact, I am quite satisfied with my current well-balanced lifestyle where I devote myself to work on weekdays and enjoy the weekend with my hobbies.
I am currently working in the recruiting team of the labor department of our company's headquarters. I am hoping to contribute to the company's further advancement by making use of what I learned in the Graduate School of Global Studies in recruiting human resources with diverse talents.
After Graduation Student's Voice |