Policy for Conferral of Degrees

Diploma Policy
Master's Program
American Studies
Knowledge and skills:
Ability to consider global issues confronting the United States from a cross-regional perspective while also focusing on regional characteristics, and understanding them on the basis of interdisciplinary knowledge
Thinking ability, judgment and self-expression:
Ability to find global issues confronting the United States on one’s own and explore fair solutions to them from an academic perspective through discussions with others
Independence, diversity and cooperativeness:
Ability to respect the diversity of people and cultures in the United States and cooperate with others in resolving issues
Contemporary Asian Studies
Knowledge and skills:
Ability to consider global issues confronting contemporary Asia from a cross-regional perspective while also focusing on regional characteristics, and understanding them on the basis of interdisciplinary knowledge
Thinking ability, judgment and self-expression:
Ability to find global issues confronting contemporary Asia on one’s own and explore fair solutions to them from an academic perspective through discussions with others
Independence, diversity and cooperativeness:
Ability to respect the diversity of people and cultures in contemporary Asia and cooperate with others in resolving issues
Global Society Studies
Knowledge and skills:
Ability to consider global issues confronting global society from a cross-regional perspective while also focusing on regional characteristics, and understanding them on the basis of interdisciplinary knowledge
Thinking ability, judgment and self-expression:
Ability to find global issues confronting global society on one’s own and explore fair solutions to them from an academic perspective through discussions with others
Independence, diversity and cooperativeness:
Ability to respect the diversity of people and cultures in global society and cooperate with others in resolving issues
Doctoral Program
American Studies
Knowledge and skills:
Ability to understand global issues facing the United States on the basis of highly interdisciplinary knowledge, as a researcher and/or a specialist
Thinking ability, judgment and self-expression:
Ability to find global issues confronting the United States on one’s own and explore creative and advanced solutions to them, as a researcher and/or a specialist, from an academic perspective
Independence, diversity and cooperativeness:
Ability to respect the diversity of people and cultures in the United States and promote joint research or other projects as a researcher and/or a specialist
Contemporary Asian Studies
Knowledge and skills:
Ability to understand global issues facing Asia on the basis of highly interdisciplinary knowledge, as a researcher and/or a specialist
Thinking ability, judgment and self-expression:
Ability to find global issues confronting Asia on one’s own and explore creative and advanced solutions to them, as a researcher and/or a specialist, from an academic perspective
Independence, diversity and cooperativeness:
Ability to respect the diversity of people and cultures in Asia and promote joint research or other projects as a researcher and/or a specialist
Global Society Studies
Knowledge and skills:
Ability to understand global issues facing global society on the basis of highly interdisciplinary knowledge, as a researcher and/or a specialist
Thinking ability, judgment and self-expression:
Ability to find global issues confronting global society on one’s own and explore creative and advanced solutions to them, as a researcher and/or a specialist, from an academic perspective
Independence, diversity and cooperativeness:
Ability to respect the diversity of people and cultures in global society and promote joint research or other projects as a researcher and/or a specialist
Curriculum Map
Curriculum map is a diagram showing the correspondence between the academic goals that students are expected to acquire through their studies and the courses offered.
We have published a map showing the relationship between each item of the Diploma Policy (policy for awarding degrees) and each course.
This map allows students to view the overall structure of the curriculum and to take courses systematically.
Master's Program
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