International Research Environment

Communication with International Students
One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Graduate School of Global Studies is that international students comprise approximately half of its student body. While particularly large number of students are from China, GSGS also accepts many students from Afghanistan and African countries as part of the Japanese government’s human resources development support project managed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The mix of students from different historical, cultural and religious backgrounds provides a great stimulus to all who belong to the graduate school.

Graduate School of Global Studies Academic Partnership Agreements
Upholding “Internationalism” as one of its founding principles, Doshisha University currently has academic partnership agreements with 184 institutions in 45 countries. Graduate students are encouraged to take advantage of this extensive international network in studying abroad and research activities. In addition, GSGS actively pursues student exchanges and joint research activities through its own individual partnerships with domestic and overseas universities and research institutions.

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