Conference, Seminar, Events
The Graduate School of Global Studies regularly holds lectures and seminars titled “Global Justice” and “Graduate School Seminar,” inviting specialists from both overseas and within Japan to talk about global issues. We also hold screening & talk events introducing films dealing with various issues from immigration issue to LGBT.



Series "Global Justice"
Dates | Titles | Speakers | Flyers / Reports |
No.73 7 June, 2024 |
Chamber Made: Music in and Between Small Spaces | Prof. Darryl Harper (Chair, Department of Music Amherst College) |
Flyer[PDF 493KB] [PDF 362KB]Report[PDF 127KB] |
No.72 17 May, 2024 |
新たなモラル・コンパスを求めて-『自壊する欧米―ガザ危機が問うダブルスタンダード』刊行記念セミナー | Masanori NAITO (Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) Seiko MIMAKI (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) Moderator: Yayo OKANO (Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) |
Flyer [PDF 493KB] |
No.71 26 October, 2023 |
国際社会における先端科学技術の倫理ユネスコのAI 倫理プログラムの取り組み | Orio IKEBE(UNESCO Program Specialist) |
Flyer[PDF] |
No.70 29 September, 2023 |
Ethics of the digital transformation intimes of peace and war | Evelyne Tauchnitz (Senior Researcher at the Institute of Social EthicsISE at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, andSenior Fellow at the Centre for InternationalGovernance Innovation (CIGI)) |
Flyer[PDF] |
No.69 11 September, 2023 |
いま、平和を考える-『分断を乗り越えるためのイスラム入門』 『Z世代のアメリカ』 刊行記念セミナー | Masanori NAITO (Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) Yayo OKANO (Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) Seiko MIMAKI (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) |
Flyer[PDF] |
No.68 9 March, 2023 |
Series as sources of moral and political education | Sandra Laugier(University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne) | Flyer[PDF] |
No.67 19 January, 2023 |
今、リアリズムとは何か―安保3文書を議論する | Yoko SHIDA (Professor of Musashino Art University) Yujin FUSE (Journalist) Isoko MOCHIZUKI (Newspaper Journalist for Tokyo Shimbun) Seiko MIMAKI (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) |
Flyer[PDF] |
No.66 26 January, 2022 |
9.11同時多発テロ事件から20年の今・世界を考える | Masanori NAITO (Professor of Graduate School of Global Studies) Seiko MIMAKI (Professor of Takasaki City University Economics Department of Economics, International Studies) |
Flyer[PDF 764KB] |
No.65 8 July, 2021 |
「封城(ロックダウン)」と「自粛」のはざまで ―COVID-19対策の歴史的文脈― |
Wataru Iijima (Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of History Professor) | Flyers[PDF 416KB] |
No.64 6 December, 2019 |
堀潤さんと語る―若者が手当てする日朝の「分断」― | Jun Hori (Japanese Journalist, former NHK announcer, Representative of NPO “8bitNew” ) |
Flyers[PDF 395KB] Reports[PDF 178KB] |
No.63 17 October, 2018 |
べ-シックインカム論争―べ-シックインカムから普遍的お給付へ― | Bernard Friot ( emeritus professor of Sociology at Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, French sociologist and economist) |
Report[PDF 575KB] Report[PDF 414KB] |
No.62 10 December, 2018 |
After the Middle East: Iran as a Regional Superpower? | Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Honorary Fellow, Cambridge European Trust Society, University of Cambridge) | Flyers[PDF 607KB] |
No.61 17 October, 2018 |
戦争における女性たち | Carol Mann (LEGS (Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité), Université Paris 8, Paris)) |
Flyers[PDF 350KB] Reports[PDF 167KB] |
No.60 15 May, 2018 |
人道主義と平和構築―韓国NGOによる南北交流と協力― | イ・イェジョン (Korean Sharing Movement) |
Flyers[PDF 317KB] Reports[PDF 169KB] |
No.59 23 April, 2018 |
The Christian Minority in Syria, and the Impact of War on their Communities (シリアにおけるキリスト教徒少数派と、紛争による彼らのコミュニティへの影響) |
Prof. Bernard André Heyberger (Directeurd’études, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) |
Flyers[PDF 198KB] Reports[PDF 156KB] |
No.58 10 Jan, 2018 |
『告白―満蒙開拓団の女たち』を制作して | Megumi Kawa (Director of NHK Nagoya) | Flyers[PDF 778KB] |
No.57 22 Dec, 2016 |
『女を修理する男(The Man Who Mends Women)』上映会 Denis Mukwege(Obstetrician) |
Flyers [PDF 622KB] Reports[PDF 176KB] |
No.56 25 Mar, 2016 |
チェルノブイリからフクシマへ | Wladimir Tchertkoff (Journalist, Documentary Film Director) | Flyers[PDF 671KB] |
No.55 8 Jan, 2016 |
国際社会からみた日本における表現の自由と報道の自由 | Sanae Fujita (Fellow of human rights centre, University of Essex) | Flyers[PDF 245KB] |
No.54 21 Jul, 2015 |
自立に向けての歩み-あれから21年が経ったけれど- | Gatera Rudashingwa, Mami Rudasingwa (Founders of the Mulindi Japan One Love Project) | Flyers[PDF 431KB] |
No.53 20 Jul, 2015 |
歴史に問われる<わたしたち>- | Jordan Sand (Professor at Georgetown University) | Flyers[PDF 249KB] |
No.52 14 Jul, 2015 |
高里鈴代さんと『基地の町に生きる』を観る- | Suzuyo Takazato (Co-Chair of Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence) | Flyers[PDF 474KB] |
No.51 21 May, 2015 |
最近の中東情勢と日本の安全保障-シリア内戦、イエメン情勢、そしてイラン- | Hisae Nakanishi (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 364KB] |
No.50 23 Dec, 2014 |
戦争について思考するということ | Nishitani Osamu (Faculty member at Rikkyo University) | Flyers[PDF 1.3MB] |
No.49 10 Dec, 2014 |
怒りを力にACT UPの歴史 | Jim Hubbard (Director), Sarah Schulman (Producer) | Flyers[PDF 503KB] |
No.48 20 Nov, 2014 |
Art Activism Then and Now アートを通じた社会変革―1970年代と現在をつなぐ― | Nobuko Joan Miyamoto (Artistic Director of Great Leap Inc.), PJ Hirabayashi (Former Art Director of San Jose Taiko), Wesley Venten (Associate Professor of San Francisco State University), Kyoji Ota (Representative of Atelier Nishihama), 陳 太一 (Executive Committee Chairman of Higashikujo Madang) | Flyers[PDF 387KB] |
No.47 19 Nov, 2014 |
歴史を比較することは可能か―フランス、日本、朝鮮― | Guillaume Carre (Research Director in Japan) | Flyers[PDF 291KB] |
No.46 25 Jul, 2014 |
ケアの倫理ネオ・リベラリズムへの反論 | Fabienne Brugère (Professor at University of Bordeaux 3) | Flyers[PDF 377KB] |
No.45 21 Jul, 2014 |
「真性性」のエコノミーの形成から国家主義的なイデオロギーの再生へ | Luc Boltanski(Sociologist, former Professor at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) | Flyers[PDF 410KB] |
No.44 4 Jun, 2014 |
イスラーム諸国から考える、日本の集団的自衛権 | Masanori Naito (Dean / Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 395KB] |
No.43 15 May, 2014 |
今なぜ、ハンナ・アーレントを読むのか | Kumiko Yano (Professor at Ferris University) | Flyers[PDF 283KB] |
No.42 8 May, 2014 |
オーストラリアにおける売買春をめぐる議論とその歴史 | Caroline Norma (Lecturer at RMIT University, Australia) | Flyers[PDF 278KB] |
No.41 18 Feb, 2014 |
日本の移動とフランスの移動についてのスケッチ | Abdelhafid Hammouche(Sociologist and Professor at Lille 1 University) | Flyers[PDF 383KB] |
No.40 5 Dec, 2013 |
在日朝鮮人被爆者にとってのヒロシマ | Lee Sil Gun (Chair of the Council of Atomic-bombed Koreans in Hiroshima) | Flyers[PDF 325KB] |
No.39 16 Jul, 2013 |
立憲主義と平和主義を考える | Yoichi Higuchi (Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University, Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University) | Flyers[PDF 301KB] |
No.38 17 May, 2013 |
「脱成長」の挑戦-なぜ消費社会は北側諸国だけではなく、南側諸国でも持続不可能なのか? | Serge Latouche (Professor at University of Paris-Sud) | Flyers[PDF 477KB] |
No.37 8 May, 2013 |
新自由主義と国家-民主主義の行方を問う | Christian Laval (Professor at University of Paris 10 Nanterre) | Flyers[PDF 521KB] |
No.36 7 May, 2013 |
フランス共和国とイスラーム-共生は可能か | Pierre Tevanian (Philisopher) | Flyers[PDF 323KB] |
No.35 9 Apr, 2013 |
歴史の一部になるということ-ルワンダ大虐殺から19年 | Mami Yoshida Rudasingwa (Representative of Mulindi Japan One Love Project) |
Reports[PDF 173KB] Flyers[PDF 382KB] |
No.34 14 Nov, 2012 |
沈黙を破って-グアテマラ戦時下性暴力スピーキングツアー2012 | Ana Alicia Ramirez Pop Facilitator, Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP) |
Flyers[PDF 357KB] |
No.33 8 Nov, 2012 |
中朝関係の虚実 | Hisashi Hirai (Journalist) | Flyers[PDF 364KB] |
No.32 10 Oct, 2012 |
二十世紀西洋における女性、ジェンダー、戦争〜広範な歴史叙述の試み〜 | Françoise Thébaud (Emeritus Professor at University of Avignon) |
Reports[PDF 257KB] Flyers[PDF 418KB] |
No.31 25 Jul, 2012 |
沖縄問題・沖縄差別 | Naomi Jahana (Reporter, Okinawa Times) | Flyers[PDF 330KB] |
No.30 5 Jul, 2012 |
改定入管法と外国籍住民-他民族共生社会は可能か?- | Nobuyuki Sato (Director, Research-Action Institute for the Koreans in Japan) | Flyers[PDF 382KB] |
No.29 3 Jul, 2012 |
郡山からの報告〜放射線に被曝した街の風景 原発事故と未来の縮小社会 |
Toshio Inoue (Representative, 「福島集団疎開裁判の会」) Hiroshi Matsuhisa (Emeritus Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University) |
Flyers[PDF 674KB] |
No.28 20.Jun, 2012 |
国際移動と女性 〜「移民の女性化」を考える〜 | Virginie Guiraudon (CNRS/Sciences Po) | Flyers[PDF 266KB] |
No.27 13 Jun, 2012 |
「沖縄問題」とは何か-歴史から考える | Ichiro Tomiyama (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 377KB] |
No.26 7 May, 2012 |
戦後の沖縄本島にみる沖縄地元民と米軍関係者の人的交流:「コンタクト・ゾーン」を契機として | Christopher Ames (Associate Professor at Maryland University) |
Reports[PDF 257KB] Flyers[PDF 466KB] |
No.25 24 Feb, 2012 |
治安の悪化は、移民のせい? Immigrés et Délinquance La construction d’un problème entre politique, journalisme et sociologie |
Eric FASSIN (de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, chercheur à l’IRIS (CNRS/EHESS)) | Flyers[PDF 438KB] |
No.24 25 Jan, 2012 |
『女と虎と孤児』とコリアン・ディアスポラ | Yasuko Ikeuchi (Professor at College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University) | Flyers[PDF 373KB] |
No.23 18 Jan, 2012 |
なぜ今イランが問題なのか-アラブの春とイラン・米国 | Hisae Nakanishi (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 438KB] |
No.22 21 Dec, 2011 |
『アラブの春』は成るか-グローバルな視点から中東民主化を展望する | Masanori Naito (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 373KB] |
No.21 8 Dec, 2011 |
紛争脆弱国における援助の効率性 | Yoichiro Ishihara (Senior Economist, World Bank) | Flyers[PDF 333KB] |
No.20 5 Dec, 2011 |
軍事主義を許さない国際女性ネットワーク | Kozue Akibayashi (Associate Professor at College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University) | Flyers[PDF 368KB] |
No.19 30 Nov, 2011 |
正義とグローバル社会-日本軍「慰安婦」問題から考える | Yayo Okano (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) |
Reports[PDF 204KB] Flyers[PDF 370KB] |
No.18 18 Nov, 2011 |
西半球における麻薬テロ | Mario Nunez Mariel (Director, The Rutgers Institute for Transnational Mexican Studies) |
Reports[PDF 151KB] Flyers[PDF 453KB] |
No.17 30 Sep, 2011 |
市民的不服従とは何か-市民的意思の表現とラディカル・デモクラシー Désobéissance civile, expression citoyenne et démocratie radicale |
Sandra Laugier (Professor at University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) | Flyers[PDF 630KB] |
No.16 22 Jul, 2011 |
現在日本における男性同性愛-欧米との比較という側面 | Erick Laurent (Professor at Gifu Keizai University) | Flyers[PDF 306KB] |
No.15 14 Jul, 2011 |
グローバル時代、東アジア共同体 -起源と形成、展望と課題 | 김귀옥 (Professor at Hansung University) | Flyers[PDF 293KB] |
No.14 28 Jun, 2011 |
ジャーナリズムの公共性とケアの倫理 | Kaori Hayashi (Professor at Tokyo University) |
Reports[PDF 172KB] Flyers[PDF 254KB] |
No.13 16 Jun, 2011 |
アジア太平洋戦争期の朝鮮人皇軍兵士-総力戦下のレイシズム | Takashi Fujitani (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 281KB] |
No.12 09 Jun, 2011 |
Poverty as a Violation of Human Rights? | Pierre Sané (Former Assistant Director-General of UNESCO, Special Visiting Professor at Doshisha University) |
Reports[PDF 179KB] Flyers[PDF 288KB] |
No.11 12 May, 2011 |
日朝関係から考える東北アジアの平和 | Koichi Ishizaka (Professor at Rikkyo University) |
Reports[PDF 187KB] Flyers[PDF 239KB] |
No.10 22 Apr, 2011 |
戦時性暴力の被害者から変革の主体へ-グアテマラ民衆法廷の取組み | Nobuko Shibata (Lecturer, Doshisha University) |
Reports[PDF 169KB] Flyers[PDF 279KB] |
No.9 08 Apr, 2011 |
"Gendering Citizenship: from the intimate to the global" | Ruth Lister (Emeritus Professor at Loughborough University, UK, House of Lords) |
Reports[PDF 109KB] Flyers[PDF 330KB] |
No.8 21 Dec, 2010 |
グローバル・ジャスティスの可能性-国境の向こうにいる人々への義務を考える | Yasuhiko Ito (Professor at Nagoya City University) | Flyers[PDF 299KB] |
No.7 21 Dec, 2010 |
義とはなにか、中国思想史を振り返って | Ou Qian (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Flyers[PDF 241KB] |
No.6 16 Dec, 2010 |
いま中国にどう向き合うか(全3回)第1回 | Satoshi Amako (Professor at Waseda University) | Flyers[PDF 279KB] |
No.5 06 Dec, 2010 |
“War against Terrorism, Conservative Responses, and the Decline of Canada’s Civil Society Participation in International Cooperation” | Dr. Norman Cook (University of Ottawa) |
Reports[PDF 164KB] Flyers[PDF 347KB] |
No.4 18 Nov, 2010 |
外国人の権利をどう考えるか?-EU法と国の政策のはざまで | Virginie Guiraudon (Chargée de Recherche CNRS) | Flyers[PDF 430KB] |
No.3 10 Nov, 2010 |
"From the Ethics of Care to Global Justice" | Eva Feder Kittay (Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University / SUNY) |
Reports[PDF 97KB] Flyers[PDF 331KB] |
No.2 08 Nov, 2010 |
人質がみたアフガニスタンの裏側 | Kosuke Tsuneoka (Journalist) |
Reports[PDF 144KB] Flyers[PDF 253KB] |
No.1 20 Oct, 2010 |
イスラームとグローバル・ジャスティス | Masanori Naito (Dean / Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) |
Reports[PDF 197KB] Flyers[PDF 265KB] |
Series "American Diaspora"
Dates | Titles | Speakers | Flyers / Reports |
No.7 16 Dec, 2011 |
トランスナショナルな母性-中米移民女性の国境を越えた育児と それが感情に及ぼす影響 | Hiroko Asakura (CIESAS Mexico) |
Reports[PDF 137KB] Flyers[PDF 328KB] |
No.6 2 Dec, 2011 |
アメリカ-メキシコ間の非正規移民問題 | Avital Bloch (Professor at University of Colima) | Flyers[PDF 345KB] |
No.5 16 Nov, 2011 |
移民の多次元性-メキシカン・ディアスポラ- | Mario Núñez Mariel (Director, The Rutgers Institute for Transnational Mexican Studies) |
Reports[PDF 143KB] Flyers[PDF 417KB] |
No.4 24 Oct, 2011 |
米国におけるラテンアメリカ系住民の言語文化と公教育 | Chiduru Ushida (Professor at Nanzan University) |
Reports[PDF 173KB] Flyers[PDF 329KB] |
No.3 8 Jul, 2011 |
500億ドルの送金フローを生む中南米貧困層の実態 | Yasuko Fumuro (Microfinance International Corporation) |
Reports[PDF 228KB] Flyers[PDF 356KB] |
No.2 17 Jul, 2011 |
キューバ・センチメンタル | Sachiko Tanuma (Researcher at Osaka University) |
Reports[PDF 187KB] Flyers[PDF 296KB] |
No.1 20 May, 2011 |
アメリカ大陸のディアスポラ -越境者の受け入れ社会と送り出し社会からの視点- | Reiko Matsuhisa (Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) |
Reports[PDF 188KB] Flyers[PDF 249KB] |
Tokyo Academic Forum
Dates | Titles | Speakers | Flyers / Reports |
No.1 18 Dec, 2010 |
パネルディスカッション『グローバル・ジャスティスとは何か』 | Yayo Okano, Osamu Ohta, Chihiro Kato, Masanori Naito, Eiji Oyamada (Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) | Reports[PDF 156KB] |
Series "Japanese Factor in 30th Anniversary of Chinese Economic Reform"
Dates | Titles | Speakers | Flyers / Reports |
No.3 10 Nov, 2010 |
ジャパンポップスと上海 | So Rojin (Lecturer at Wako University) | Flyers[PDF 274KB] |
No.2 27 Oct, 2010 |
村上春樹と中国 | Mao Danqing (Professor at Kobe International University) | Flyers[PDF 323KB] |
No.1 20 Oct, 2010 |
日本映画との衝撃の出会い | Amei Toh (Editor, Writer, Translator) | Flyers[PDF 292KB] |
Past Events Doshisha University Association of Global Studies Research Centers Journal of Global Studies |