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Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster

Name Yujiro MURATA
Professor (Doctoral Program)
Researcher Database
Laboratory Shikokan Building 268 (SK268)
Professor (Doctoral Program) also teaches the Master's Program.

Research Areas

Intellectual History of China
Modern Chinese History
Sino-Japan Relations in the Modern Era

Message to students

Ango Sakaguchi said “To learn is to find where the limit is.” It is preceded by the sentence “Mankind never wins, we just do not lose,” and ends with the bold conclusion “I will fight for that.” At the sight of the defeated and scorched land of Japan, the author of Discourse on Decadence strongly affirmed the human nature and life. Since that day of “3.11,” I have been pondering these words by Ango everyday. Both in scientific discovery and humane thought, the ultimate goal should be to understand where the limit of human ability is. It is, as Ango said, the affirmation of “knowledge” based on the infinite faith in humanity, as opposed to resignation, cynicism and conventionalism. However, the world is still full of discrimination, prejudice and narrow-minded exclusion. I think that Global Studies should be an academic weapon for the “battle of not losing” against these universal issues of mankind. Encouraged by Ango’s words, I am determined to continue doing my utmost in order “not to lose” in the field of Chinese studies.


Faculty Members
International Development and Cooperation
Migration, Refugee, Multicultural Coexistence
Gender and Sexuality
Cultural Studies
Thinking through the past
Thinking through film and music
Thinking through economy
Thinking through activism
Thinking through fieldwork
North and South America
Middle East
Professors List