American Studies Cluster

Name |
Yayo OKANO Professor (Doctoral Program) Researcher Database |
Laboratory | Shikokan Building 287 (SK287) |
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- Professor (Doctoral Program) also teaches the Master's Program.
Research Areas
Western Political Philosophy,
Feminist Theory
Message to students
When I was a graduate student, I encountered so many words, books, and experiences of philosophers and theorists through not only academic activities but chats with my friends. Some of them still remain in my mind and soul. Words by Hanna Arendt, a German Jewish female philosopher, are still inspiring me:
“With the creation of man, the principle of beginning came into the world itself, which, of course, is only another way of saying that the principle of freedom was created when man was created but not before.” [H. Arendt, The Human Condition, p.177]
Studies at the graduate school will open your mind and world to the extent in which you could never anticipate beforehand. Such unpredictable experiences are unlimited possibilities which academic studies give us all. Unlike real society, the world of ideas and thoughts make us equal and free. Free mind enables everyone to go beyond the boundary of time and space. I hope you all students feel and realize such freedom at the graduate school of global studies.
Although my major is western political philosophy, I am more involved with what is going on in Japanese society than what famous philosophers said, such as the issue of sex slavery system of Japanese imperial troops under WWII, gender inequality in Japan, and so on. Your major or specialty is nothing but a step to wider world.
Introduction of Authored Books

『ケアの倫理―フェミニズムの政治思想』 岩波新書 2024年

『フェミニズムの政治学―― ケアの倫理をグローバル社会へ』 みすず書房 2012年

『生きる―間で育まれる生(政治の発見 第1巻)』 風行社 2010年

『シティズンシップの政治学--国民・国家主義批判』増補版 白澤社 2009年

『家族を超える社会学--新たな生の基盤を求めて』 新曜社 2009年
本書では、「第二章 家族からの出発--新しい社会の構想に向けて」を執筆しています。本書全体で是非とも家族という朴で自然な愛情に基づくと考えられがちな家族は、歴史的に構築されてきた政治的制度であることを理解していただきたいと思います。政治思想において論じらてきた家族が、いかにわたしたちの多様な形の家族の営みの現実を歪曲してきたかを批判しています。