Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster

Name |
Osamu OTA Professor (Doctoral Program) Researcher Database |
Laboratory | Shikokan Building 269 (SK269) |
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- Professor (Doctoral Program) also teaches the Master's Program.
Research Areas
Contemporary Korean History, History of Japanese-Korean Relations
Message to students
What do you think decolonization, division, war, developmental dictatorship, the popular movement, and the pro-democracy movement were like in the Korean Peninsula? How have they influenced the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and the entire world today? And how have people lived on and united amid such a historical background?
Now that people and goods move frequently between Japan and the Korean Peninsula, it is both highly significant and satisfying to think about such questions. When you consider these questions, I believe that it is important to "go back in time" to shed light on various aspects of the changes that have occurred thus far, delve into people's lifestyles and feelings rather than focus only on state politics and the economy, and do your thinking in terms of relationships with East Asia (including Japan) and the rest of the world. I sincerely hope that you will join us in this endeavor.
한반도의 식민지 지배, 분단, 전쟁, 민주화 운동은 어떤 것이었을까요? 그러한 것들은 오늘날의 세계에 어떤 영향을 끼쳤을까요? 또한 사람들은 그러한 역사 속에서 어떻게 살아왔을까요?
이러한 물음에 대해 생각해 보는 것은 대단히 중요하고 즐거운 일입니다. 시대를 거슬러 올라가서 오늘날까지의 변화의 여러 모습을 밝히거나, 국가의 정치, 경제는 물론 사람들의 생활이나 마음 속에까지 들어가 일본을 포함한 동아시아나 세계와의 관계 속에서 생각해 보곤 합니다.
함께 생각해 보지 않겠습니까? 앞으로의 세계를 만들어 가기 위한 열쇠가 그 곳에 있을지도 모릅니다.
Introduction of Authored Books

太田 修
『朝鮮近現代史を歩く―京都からソウルへ』 思文閣出版 2009年

太田 修
『日韓交渉-請求権問題の研究-』 クレイン 2003年

『国際共同研究 韓国併合と現代―歴史と国際法からの再検討』 明石書店 2008年

田中 俊明 編
『朝鮮の歴史-先史から現代』 思文閣出版 2009年

『マンガ嫌韓流のここがデタラメ』 コモンズ 2006年

石坂 浩一 編
『北朝鮮を知るための51章』 明石書店 2006年

姜萬 吉編 著(太田 修・庵逧 由香 訳)
『朝鮮民族解放運動の歴史-平和的統一への模索-』 法政大学出版局 2005年