Global Society Studies Cluster

Name |
Laura-Anca PAREPA Associate Professor Researcher Database |
Laboratory | Shikokan Building 270 (SK270) |
Research Areas
International Relations, Security and Conflict Studies, International Public Policy
Coming soon
Message to students
As we stand on the threshold of a new era, it's crucial to understand
that our world is at a crossroad. We find ourselves witnessing
the ascent of new powers emerging with unprecedented influence,
alongside with the decline of established ones. These seismic
shifts are reshaping the existing global economic and security
dynamics, demanding our keen attention and critical understanding. This
flux not only alters the geopolitical landscape but also introduces new
challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, the emergence
of alternative frameworks of cooperation and security adds another
layer of complexity to the global landscape. While these alternative
models may promise innovation and adaptability, they often diverge from
conventional norms and established rules. Understanding
how the world evolves requires more than passive observation—it demands
active engagement and careful inquiry. Thus, you must grasp these
transformations with clarity and foresight, acknowledging the complex
interplay of factors driving these changes. Let's
analyse these developments together with a critical eye, discerning
their implications and assessing their alignment with principles of
justice, equity, and sustainability.
Introduction of Authored Books
Alica Kizekova (ed), The Indo-Pacific in the Post-Trump Era:
Expectations and Challenges, Institute of International Relations,
Prague, 2021
Chapter 4 "Japan, the UE and the US: shared risks and growing convergence” (pp82-100)
木田剛・竹内幸編 『安定を模索するアフリカ(Africa Searching for Stability)』ミネルヴァ書房2016年10月
第1部第2章「安全保障と軍事援助の国際比較ーフランス、米 国 、中国」担当