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Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster

Shanping YAN
Name Shanping YAN
Professor (Doctoral Program)
Researcher Database
Laboratory Shikokan Building 264(SK264)
Professor (Doctoral Program) also teaches the Master's Program.

Research Areas

Chinese Economy and Society, Development Economics

Message to students

The international presence of China is increasing. Needless to say, its rapid economic growth provides some background for this phenomenon, but one wonders how its market approach succeeded so dramatically in furthering economic development, despite its authoritarian regime. How should one interpret this "socialist market economy?" Japan and other countries' experiences during their period of high economic growth - a rapid rise in the percentages of urban populations, non-agricultural populations, and students enrolling in universities - have been reproduced in China. Such changes in social structure are attributable solely to the movement of people among regions, industrial sectors, and social stratification, but factors which regulate such migration vary greatly between different countries and time periods. The question we must ask is this: How much do personal ability, social position, academic career, family origin, or other attributes, affect the movement of people in contemporary China? Each of the factors listed above may constitute a major research theme, but to understand contemporary China more deeply, theoretical and empirical studies of such themes are essential. Indeed, studies of contemporary China will provide a significant amount of intellectual stimulus. This is because the application of existing theories and analysis methods to China studies will spawn a great deal of new knowledge, giving rise to expectations for further progress in such theories.

Introduction of Authored Books

中兼 和津次 編著
『改革開放以後の経済制度・政策の変遷とその評価』 NIHU 2011年3月
「第9章 農民工子女学校教育の政策と実態」

厳 善平 著
『中国農民工の調査研究――上海市・珠江デルタにおける農民工の就業・賃金・暮らし』 晃洋書房 2010年12月

佐々木 信彰 編著
『構造転換期の中国経済』 世界思想社 2010年12月
「第1章 農業と農産物貿易」

中兼 和津次 編
『歴史的視野からみた現代中国経済』 ミネルヴァ書房 2010年4月
「第3章 20世紀中国における地域間人口移動」

関 志雄・朱 建栄 他編
『中国経済 成長の壁』 勁草書房 2009年10月
「第5章 格差是正と農民の権利回復――労働力移動に戸籍制限の壁」

厳 善平 著
『中国的問題群7 農村から都市へ――1億3000万人の農民大移動』 岩波書店 2009年7月

厳 善平 著
『中国の人口移動と民工――マクロ・ミクロ・データに基づく計量分析』 勁草書房 2005年11月

Faculty Members
International Development and Cooperation
Migration, Refugee, Multicultural Coexistence
Gender and Sexuality
Cultural Studies
Thinking through the past
Thinking through film and music
Thinking through economy
Thinking through activism
Thinking through fieldwork
North and South America
Middle East
Professors List